Sadie is 3!

Our sweet little Sadie is 3! I really can't believe it! She is growing up way too fast. We had a fun family party on the Sunday before her birthday, and she was very spoiled with lots of fun gifts from her family! She was is heaven with all her fun new toys! She has been talking about what kind of cake she wanted for months, and every day it changed. So we finally she decided she wanted to have a castle cake with all the princesses on it. I have to say I am quite proud of how it turned out! We love you Sadie, and can't wait to see what new things you will learn and discover in the year to come!

Sadie and her new Rapunzel doll, standing by her cake

The masterpiece! Not bad for my first attempt!

Opening presents! Sadie had lots of helpers!

Sadie and Boston going to the movie Rio on her actual Birthday!

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Molly said...

Happy birthday Sadie! Cute cake Krista!

Shelley said...

Good job on the cake! She is to old?! Crazy